Transitional Housing and Rapid Rehousing provide safe and secure apartments for young adults with the goal to support the path to permanent housing. The programs serve unaccompanied young adults as well as parenting and pregnant young adults ages 18-25 and their children.
Transitional Housing services provide rental support for six months to one year. Young adults are living independently and with a support network that includes resources to support their long-term success. Services help youth gain the skills and knowledge needed to become self-sufficient individuals and secure long-term permanent housing. Services include:
- rent support
- life skills training
- case management
- parenting support
- job skills support
- landlord support
- connections to community services
Rapid Rehousing services provide rental support for up to 2 years. Young adults are living fully on their own in this program.
Contact Information
Referral Information
Services are available to individuals age 18-25 living in Mercer County. Referrals are accepted through the Mercer County Board of Social Services (if the individual is pregnant). All other referrals are accepted through the Coordinated Entry Assessment Center.
Funder Information
City of Trenton