Mary's Place is a safe and supportive structured transitional living program located in Mercer County offering supportive apartments for individuals ages 18-21. The program offers case management and other supportive services with the goal of empowering residents so they have the opportunity to grow into self-sufficient adults. 

Program services include:

  • Safe and supportive supervised living accommodations
  • Connections to mental and physical health care
  • Financial education and money management workshops
  • Post-secondary educational services
  • Assistance in securing long-term permanent housing
  • Independent living skills training
  • Career planning and employment preparation
  • Recreational activities 

Contact Information 

Phone - Mary's Place: 609.771.1600 x78124
Phone- Access Center: 877.922.2377


Referral Information 

Services are available for young people ages 18-21 living in New Jersey. To make a referral, call 609.771.1600 x78124.