Benson House provides the tools and resources necessary for young men to build a strong foundation for a positive future. As one of the only group homes serving ages 15-19 in the southern New Jersey region, Benson House provides a safe home environment for young men to build self-sufficient futures.

Benson House offers counseling, education, and job readiness training for six months to one year.

Counselors work closely with youth in a structured environment to provide:

  • individual, group, and family counseling
  • substance abuse assessment, counseling and education
  • life and social skills education
  • education and advocacy
  • job readiness and placement
  • assessment and referral
  • available community service assignments
  • monitoring and accountability with graduate awards

If you are a young person experiencing homelessness and in need of a safe place to live, contact the 24/7 helpline at 800.355.0660.

To make a referral

Phone: 856.964.7291

Referral Information

Referrals are accepted through PerformCare, the contracted systems administrator for the New Jersey Department of Children's Families' Children's System of Care.  


NJ Department of Children and Families, Division of Child Behavioral Health Services, Medicaid