Reach your goals with job readiness, job seeking, and job keeping services that can help you in your path to employment.

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Center For Family Services offers a diverse range of innovative and collaborative workforce development programs to help you develop the skills to become career ready and build a healthy future for you and your family. 

Gain first-hand exposure to practical skills and industry-recognized credentials. Focus on your individual career goals. Build the skills and work habits to secure, retain, and flourish in your chosen career path. Services are free, confidential and personalized to meet your career goals. 

Services include

  • One-on-one employment and career counseling
  • Job training and certification opportunities
  • Case management and wraparound support
  • Assistance with understanding household finances and budgeting
  • Connections to childcare resources and transportation
  • Resume development and interviewing techniques
  • Job placement assistance
  • Job retention techniques

To learn more about workforce development services, or to inquire about eligibility and locations, contact the Access Center:

Phone: 1.877.9.ACCESS (1.877.9.ACCESS) or Email: