MST is a an evidence-based, 3-5 month intensive in home family counseling program that connects parents with the tools and resources needed to improve communication and strengthen the family unit. Counselors are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide in home support to families.  Our goal is to keep children and families safe, and prevent out of home placement.

Focusing on ages 12-17.5 with behaviors at risk for out of home placement, MST counselors work in the home visiting families at least twice a week.  MST counselors work to:

  • strengthen family relationships, empowering parents to monitor, protect, and advocate for their children
  • develop behavior plans that are monitored and review weekly to encourage responsible behavior
  • examine roles of school, peers, DCPP, probation, and/or the community and their impact on the family unit
  • develop unique personalized interventions to provide significant sustainable change

MST has proven effective in helping adolescents with disrespect, disobedience, drug/alcohol problems, excessive school truancy, running away, and criminal activity.

The MST program provides therapy for youth as aftercare to Benson House, JJC Aftercare, Parole, and Camden Juvenile Probation. This program is a partnership with MST services from the Medical University of South Carolina.

Contact Information 

Phone: 877.922.2377
Address: 560 Benson Street, Camden, NJ 08103

Referral Information

The program is open to families living in Camden County or Gloucester County.


New Jersey Department of Children and Families