Peaceful Tomorrows provides counseling and therapeutic services for children and families who experienced violence, including domestic violence, family violence, or dating violence. Peaceful Tomorrows provides a safe environment where children and their non-offending parents can heal from the effects of trauma. Services are designed to bring families together and build supportive networks.

Throughout a period of 12-15 individual and joint parent-child sessions, Peaceful Tomorrows staff provide a safe and supportive environment to express emotions and explore nonviolent ways of managing anger. Counselors employ proven therapeutic methods, such as trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT), to help participants feel empowered to make choices, improve their own confidence and self-esteem, and heal from the trauma of domestic violence. 

Peaceful Tomorrows goals include:

  • Develop skills to cope with the impact of violence
  • Reduce trauma reactions
  • Decrease feelings of stress
  • Improve parenting practices
  • Increase positive communication between youth and their parent
  • Re-establish a positive connectedness to the adult world

Your journey of hope begins here. Click to access support and resources. 


Contact Information 

Phone:  877.922.2377


Referral Information

Camden, Gloucester and Cumberland County youth age 3-18 with a non-offending parent/s who have been exposed to violence are eligible to participate in Peaceful Tomorrows. 

Peaceful Tomorrows Referral Form


US Department of Health and Human Services, New Jersey Department of Children and Families