At Center For Family Services, staff are recognized as the most valuable and greatest resource. The top workplace team at Center For Family Services consists of highly experienced experts in a variety of fields. Trusted staff are changemakers and thought leaders and are often the leading voice in how services are designed to best serve those in need. 

The Expert Angle offers an outlet for highly talented staff to share their knowledge with you. This forum is a place where content experts share information on topics that most closely resonate with the work they do. The Expert Angle is a collection of blog entries where our staff can explore the various entities of Center For Family Services’ mission and programs from the point of view of an expert in that role. The blog is a platform to help communities, individuals, and other social service professionals to learn and grow. 

Navigating the Healthcare Marketplace in 2021

Posted on: | By: Lynn Perlmutter
Have you heard the news? Healthcare is more affordable than before! Center For Family Services’ Navigators are here to help. You might have heard in the news that 'healthcare insurance is more affordable than before! But what's that mean for you? Perhaps you’ve been getting job-based insurance for years, until COVID blew away the job – and the insurance. Perhaps you ran your own business until COVID came – and customers left. Perhaps insurance was too expensive, and you and your family went without. Since 2013, Center For Family Services has been at the forefront of getting New…
Blog Tags: healthcare, open enrollment, New Jersey, healthcare marketplace, health insurance, healthcare coverage, covid, unemployment, affordable healthcare, expert angle

You are believed: The path toward healing for a survivor.

Posted on:
The statistics are staggering. Nearly 1 in 6 women and 1 in 33 men in the U.S. have experienced sexual assault or attempted sexual assault some time in their lives. While the effects of sexual violence are far reaching, many times taking hold of entire communities, it is the survivor who carries the trauma of their experience. Fortunately, they have options and services available to lead them on a path toward healing.    Center For Family Services’ Services Empowering Rights of Victims (SERV) program is dedicated to helping victims become survivors. By providing competent,…
Blog Tags: sexual violence month, awareness, survivor, healing, trauma, New Jersey, Camden County, Gloucester County, Cumberland County, hotline, expert angle

The Expert Angle Blog - Coming Soon!

Posted on:
Stay tuned for blog posts featuring Center For Family Services' staff experts. Coming Spring 2021!

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