September's monthly meeting of the South Jersey Anti-Trafficking Coalition (SJATC) will be held virtually on September 14, 2020, from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Click here to register.
The speaker this month will be Leslie Roy, co-leader of the Days for Girls team in Wayne, PA. Days for Girls increases access to menstrual care and education by developing global partnerships, cultivating social enterprises, mobilizing volunteers, and innovating sustainable solutions that shatter stigmas and limitations for women and girls.
If you'd like to learn how you can work to prevent the crime of human trafficking in your community and how to help advocates identify local survivors, plan to attend. This event is open to the public.
About Us
Services Empowering Rights of Victims (SERV), a program of Center For Family Services, provides crisis intervention, counseling, advocacy, and other support to survivors of human trafficking, sexual violence, and domestic violence in South Jersey. Our dedicated team of highly trained and compassionate staff provide personalized care to help people follow a path to healing. All services are free of charge, strictly confidential, culturally sensitive, and bilingual.
SERV ensures victims of both international and domestic human trafficking aren’t alone in their journey of healing and restoration. Our advocates identify victims in the community and help them get the services they need. International victims of human trafficking receive housing, food, and employment assistance, English language training, access to health care, and mental health services. Victims of domestic human trafficking receive case management and crisis intervention services, referrals to safe housing, and connections to treatment programs when needed, including care that addresses substance use.
SERV advocates and local partners make up the South Jersey Anti-Trafficking Coalition (SJATC), which is comprised of community members and various types of professionals throughout Camden, Gloucester, and Cumberland counties. Meetings are typically held on the second Monday of each month (schedule subject to change in relation to holidays), with the location rotating between these three counties.
The primary focus of the coalition is to increase knowledge about human trafficking. Other priorities include increasing outreach and provision of direct services for foreign and domestic victims of human trafficking. To become a member of the SJATC, complete this form and email it to
More Info
Services Available to Survivors of Human Trafficking
Facts About Human Trafficking
Upcoming SJATC & SERV Events