Services Empowering Rights of Victims (SERV) provides a monthly support group for significant others, friends, and family members of survivors of sexual violence. It is a place where participants can share their feelings, gain understanding about the effects of trauma, and learn how to support those who are on their journey to healing. Join us from 5:30-6:30 on the third Wednesday of every month at Living Proof Recovery Center to increase healthy coping strategies and create your own support system.
This free group is open to all non-offending loved ones, but registration is required. Our clients encompass all ages, socio-economic levels, ethnicities, genders and sexual orientations, and come from every economic background. This is a safe space for healing. Our trained advocates provide emotional support, maintain confidentiality, offer safety planning, and can provide other relevant resources.
To register, email Kristen Rosario at or call the SERV hotline at 1-866-295-SERV (7378).
Living Proof Recovery Center
108 Somerdale Road
Voorhees, NJ 08043
Learn How SERV Supports Survivors of Sexual Violence