Exchange Parent Aide is a supportive and educational in-home services program for parents and caregivers with children ages 0-17. The program is designed to increase safety and reduce risk factors associated with child abuse and neglect. 

Families and caregivers will be provided with individualized support, including:

The Crisis Diversion Home provides compassionate care to New Jersey adults 18 and older who are experiencing mental illness. The program aims to stabilize those at risk of hospitalization or who have previously experienced frequent hospitalizations to help them remain in the community. 

During the 30-day stay in the group home, individuals will receive the following services from highly trained clinicians:  

JOBS connects adults with a history of justice involvement with employment resources with the goal to gain and retain employment. 

Services include:

Great Abilities - IIC is an intensive in-community program. Services improve the quality of life and well-being of children and families. The program offers short-term, in-home services for infants, children, and adolescents with behavioral and mental health challenges. Experienced clinicians work together with each child and family to identify strengths and accomplish goals.  

Services include:

Peer Recovery Support services are available for individuals currently involved in Center For Family Services' CPSAI program or who have been referred by DCP&P.

Peer Recovery Support is a totally voluntary, peer-to-peer program for individuals struggling with drugs and alcohol. Our Peer Recovery Support Specialists will provide assistance to individuals in all areas of recovery, serving as their biggest advocate. Through lived experience, Peer Recovery Support Specialists will help individuals embrace a life in recovery. 


ReWork connects people with employment resources. If you have a friend, family member or personal history of opioid use, Rework can provide you with employment services including:

The Kinship Navigator program offers supportive services for caregivers who have taken on the responsibility of raising a child. Kinship Navigator offers services to grandparents, other relatives, and family friends providing support in connecting caregivers to the services that best support the child in their care. Kinship can also provide assistance to caregivers seeking to obtain legal guardianship through family court. 

Kinship connects the caregivers and the child to:


Parents as Teachers is a free program, offering support, tips and techniques to support you in giving your child the best start in life. Through Parents as Teachers, you can learn about what to expect at each stage of their child's development, so everyday moments become teachable moments. 

Parents as Teachers offers these free services to support you:

The Family Life Center supports positive family development and constructive parent-child interaction to promote family well-being and to reduce the risk of abuse and neglect in the household.  
Offering two levels of care, the Family Life Center provides the flexibility to address the needs of parents both compliant and non-compliant in their treatment plan.

Services include: