Camden's Housing Authority Receives $1.7 million Grant from HUD (U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development. At the grant announcement on September o4, 2018 in Alblett Village Comminuty Center, HUD annnounced Camden would be recieving a Job Plus grant to help public housing residents of the city put their skills to use.
Housing Authhority of the City of Camden (HACC) Executive Director Victor Fugeroa, Mayor Frank Moran, Congressman Donald Norcross, Lynne Patton - HUD's Regional Adminstrator, HACC 's chsirperon Deborah Person-Polk along with serveral other Council Members discussed how this grant would afffect Camden.
Lynne Patton desscribed what the grant will do as well as offered hope like many of the other guest speakers. She talked about the grant that will include seven Camden Organizations involving trained professionals to assist residents, and talked about this grant as a way to provide safe and decent housing as well as put residents first. With the grant, rent will stay the same for four years even as income increases. This gives the residents a chance to stabilize and or save as their income may increase.
Congressman Norcross described the grant as a way to get work with or without a degree, Patton referred to the recent Geoffrey Owens situation and exclaimed there is no shame in putting food on your table.
President of Alblett Village Resident Association, Tracey Powell said "to many Camden is receiving $1.7 million, but to us it $1.7 million of hope."